Saturday, May 25, 2013

What Would You Like to Eat Today?

Oh man, it is so totally freeing not having to create those stale blog posts! Here are two more mini -games micro-games I whipped up later in the week. They're both related to food (no surprise, right?) and I think I'm really getting to master the whole choose-your-adventure-game-mode. I think it would be relatively achievable to write a storybook and have several different possible endings! How cool would that be? I also found out that it's actually pretty useful to create diagrams in a notebook before starting to code everything out. It's like drafting an essay or creating a plan so that everything makes sense and you don't have to waste time figuring those silly little details out. Ah, this is so much better and way more engaging! I hope you all give these games a try!

// here's my first version: 

var omelette = prompt("Good morning! Are you hungry for breakfast? The chickens and ducks laid a whole bunch of eggs, so we're planning to make omelettes for everyone. Do you eat meat?").toUpperCase();

switch(omelette) {
  case 'YES':
    var salmon = prompt("Do you eat fish?").toUpperCase();
    if(salmon === 'YES') {
      console.log("One smoked salmon and tomato omelette coming right up!");
    } else {
      console.log("We'll have your ham and cheese omelette plated in a jiffy!");
  case 'NO':
      var dairy = prompt("Do you eat dairy?").toUpperCase();
    if(dairy === 'YES') {
      console.log("Well here's a cheesy mushroom and onion omelette... one of my favorites!");
    } else {
      console.log("Sorry, we don't have any omelettes for you!");
    console.log("Say you don't like omelettes? Well we have some soggy oatmeal leftover from yesterday's brunch...");

// here's the second (and slightly more intricate) one: 

var hungry = prompt("So I see you're feeling a little hungry. Well, what time is it (BREAKFAST, LUNCH, or DINNER time)?").toUpperCase();

switch(hungry) {
  case 'BREAKFAST':
    var meat_breakfast = prompt("It's breakfast time! Do you eat meat?").toUpperCase();
    var dairy_breakfast = prompt("Do you eat dairy?").toUpperCase();
    if(meat_breakfast === 'YES' && dairy_breakfast === 'YES') {
      console.log("Have some bacon and eggs!");
    } else if(meat_breakfast === 'YES' && dairy_breakfast === 'NO') {
      console.log("Allergic to dairy? How about some sausage and hashbrowns?");
    } else if(meat_breakfast === 'NO' && dairy_breakfast === 'YES') {
      console.log("What about a tomato and spinach omelette?");
    } else {
      console.log("How about some fresh fruit?");
  case 'LUNCH':
    var meat_lunch = prompt("Lunchtime! Do you eat meat?").toUpperCase();
    var dairy_lunch = prompt("What about dairy? Can you have milk? Eggs?").toUpperCase();
    if(meat_lunch === 'YES' && dairy_lunch === 'YES') {
      console.log("Alrighty, how about a ham and cheese sandwich? Does that sound good to you?");
    } else if(meat_lunch === 'YES' && dairy_lunch === 'NO') {
      console.log("Well what about just a tunafish sandwich?");
    } else if(meat_lunch === 'NO' && dairy_lunch === 'YES') {
      console.log("Grilled cheese for one! Coming right up!");
    } else {
      console.log("What about a classic PB and J sandwich? Does that sound good to you?");
  case 'DINNER':
    var meat_dinner = prompt("Ah, the last and BEST meal of the day! Do you include meat in your diet?").toUpperCase();
    var dairy_dinner = prompt("How about dairy?").toUpperCase();
    if(meat_dinner === 'YES' && dairy_dinner === 'YES') {
      console.log("What about some pepperoni pizza?");
    } else if(meat_dinner === 'YES' && dairy_dinner === 'NO') {
      console.log("How about the classic spaghetti and meatballs? We'll hold the cheese, don't worry about that!");
    } else if(meat_dinner === 'NO' && dairy_dinner === 'YES') {
      console.log("In the mood for mac and cheese! I know I am!");
    } else {
      console.log("Well in that case, what about a nice refreshing kale salad?");
    console.log("Hmm... you sure you're hungry?");

P.S. I started using and it is so freaking fun. Here's my page.

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