Thursday, April 18, 2013

Javascript: &&, ||, !


Today, I covered: and(&&), or(||), not(!).
For and(&&), remember:
true && true // => true
true && false // => false
false && true // => false
false && false // => false

Whereas or(||):
true || true // => true
true || false // => true
false || true // => true
false || false // => false 

Lastly, not(!):
!true // => false
!false // => true

Here is a code I wrote which uses &&, ||, !:

// set variables to either true or false:
var iLoveYoga = true;
var iLoveRunning = true;

if(iLoveYoga && iLoveRunning) {
    // if iLoveYoga AND iLoveRunning:
    console.log("Awesome, yoga and running work hand-in-hand!");
} else if (!(iLoveYoga || iLoveRunning)) {
    // if NOT iLoveYoga OR iLoveRunning:
    console.log("You've gotta get your lazy butt off the couch and out the door!!!");
} else {
    console.log("You only like one, but not the other?");

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